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6 Lessons you can Learn From Continuous Job Rejection

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November 3, 2021

6 Lessons you can Learn From Continuous Job Rejection

You spent months making your resume well-comprehensive and compelling, and still, you’re facing continuous job rejection?

Unfortunately, even after giving your 100% in the job interviews, the hard work doesn’t pay off. This doesn’t mean that you’re absolutely wrong or you aren’t deserving, so there is no point in cursing yourself. It’s like a race where somebody else is better than you, or perhaps you’re making some common mistakes. 

Facing constant job rejections might be heartbreaking, and you might give up, but consider it’s a learning opportunity. After each interview, you should ask for feedback to evaluate your mistakes and how you can improve yourself for the upcoming interviews. 

If you look at job rejections on the positive side, you will learn a few lessons. Have a look at the below pointers. 

Be Humble yet Confident

If you maintain the necessary level of confidence in your job interviews, it will showcase you as a positive personality. However, there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance that many don’t know. The time you become overconfident, you start sounding arrogant. 

Don’t enter the interview with your over-confident mindset and think that you’ve cracked the interview. This kind of mindset and attitude won’t attract employers, and he/she might throw your resume in the dustbin. 

Even if you’re better than other candidates, having all the top skills and achievements, please keep a calm attitude. Be supportive in the discussions, and please don’t try to show off. 

Never hide your Personality

Undoubtedly, your resume gives a brief overview of your qualifications, achievements, skills, and other relevant things. But ‘actions speak louder than words,’, especially in the corporate world. If you’ve learned some skills, try to demonstrate them (if you get the opportunity). 

Sometimes, lack of skills or common mistakes isn’t the causes of constant job rejection. The personality you have doesn’t match the company’s work culture and environment. You should trust the personality judgment given by the employer because nobody wants unhappy employees in their companies. 

Here, your personality isn’t wrong; it’s just you’re not the right fit. Thus, if this is one reason you face rejections, please don’t take a back seat and hide your personality. Be yourself and show your positive personality to the world. 

Understand your Strengths and Weaknesses

In the corporate world, job interviews tell you a lot about yourself, especially your strengths. But the interviewers are the ones who can evaluate your weaknesses easily. Despite knowing your weaknesses, they might ask you this question.

Be honest and mention your weaknesses clearly. Sometimes, your honest nature would attract your employers and hire you instead of focusing on your weaknesses. 

Furthermore, knowing about your weaknesses gives you the necessary self-awareness and opportunity to improve yourself. 

Share information that aren’t Present In your Resume

In most cases, when you are called for the interview, the hiring manager would  have already read your resume. Thus, there is no need to repeat what is already present in the resume. The employers are interested to learn more about you, your capabilities, your hobbies, interests etc. 

So, start sharing about your past experiences, elaborate on your achievements, and discuss some relevant things that aren’t present in your resume. 

This way, it will be easy for you to build a rapport and also exhibit your communication skills. So, whenever you get a chance to speak about yourself, stay professional and keep a precise yet positive approach. 

Evaluate the Positives in the Challenging Days

Every event has two sides; it depends on which side you want to look at. Instead of considering continuous job rejection as a negative experience, see this situation in a positive light. 

For instance, if your recent interviewer rejected you just because your personality doesn’t match the company’s culture, he/she has saved you from working in an environment where you can’t give your 100%. Even if the company pays you above your expectations, you’ll start struggling within the initial months and won’t experience job satisfaction. 

Should You Put All Your Eggs In One Basket? NO!

Fortunately, your interview went well, and the employers were happy with you, don’t think you’re getting the job letter soon. Undoubtedly, you were a good candidate, but there could be a better candidate who proved himself/herself exceptionally. This could also become a cause of rejection, and you don’t have to lose hope. 

When looking for job opportunities, don’t just put all your hopes in one job posting and don’t wait for weeks and months for responses after the interview. The time you’re putting in waiting for responses can be used for other important things, including improving yourself. 

There is nothing to worry about when you’re facing continuous job rejection. Keep yourself open for different job positions and apply for numerous jobs. The more you apply, the higher chances are of you getting hired. 

The Takeaway

Undoubtedly, the feeling of facing continuous job rejection is disappointing. But these rejections will teach you some important life lessons. Learn these lessons, use them wisely, and keep improving yourself. Instead of thinking of the outcome every time you sit for the interviews, gain experiences and move forward in life.

Best of luck for your career!

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