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7 Important things to keep in mind as a Parent

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June 21, 2019

7 Important things to keep in mind as a Parent

It is a very delicate balance to raise a family while keeping your life running smoothly. Here are seven tools that I have seen make life in the family front seem like a much more enjoyable ride.

  • Discover your child’s inner strengths. For example, you can use them to build your child’s self-image; helping to provide the confidence he or she needs to face anything that seems difficult. Children will be more willing to hear, obey and comprehend how to correct bad behaviors if their dignity is intact.


  • Scolding a child is less effective than using praise and rewards. Instead of focusing on weaknesses, find strategic ways to help your child in blooming to his or her complete potential. When encouraged and given positive reinforcement, children will automatically acquire talents to make up for any shortcomings.


  • Avoid unhelpful emotional reactions, such as anger, disdain, and mockery. If your child has challenges with control, negativity will only make him or her feel worse. Use short and sublime suggestions to remind your child to focus, like “P.A.,” for “pay attention.”


  • Don’t judge against siblings. When a child thinks his or her brother or sister is preferred, it may cause a competition that may scar the rest of their lives and create problems in your family. Make sure your children know that they are loved in the same way.


  • Children require positive attention. If they do not get positive attention from family, they may choose to look for negative attention. This is because negative attention is still attention, and any attention is better than being ignored. Always remember to talk with your child. Love and care are the greatest healers.


  • Check your child’s use of the Internet. The material that kids can search in cyberspace can be dangerous. Get a program that will let you see the web sites they visit and monitor their chats.


  • Don’t give up on your child, ever! All of your child’s problems can be worked through with laughter, friendliness, and determination. With suitable parental support, even the most upsetting teens can become marvelous people.

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