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Simple Career moves, for Bigger Results

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February 6, 2019

Simple Career moves, for Bigger Results

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We all crave for a better career, an upgrade – higher designation, a salary hike and much more. This is fiercely a competitive world where with the passing of every quarter of a year, companies gear up for new hiring and promotions. It’s prime time to rethink your career goals and what you hope to accomplish over the next one year.

“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Career Strategies:

In this article, we are presenting you with some important career moves which you can follow easily, for a rising career graph. These tips will fine-tune your image to climb the ladder, leverage your professional network and sets you up for a job success.

1) Cleanup Mode

Declutter yourself from all the unwanted things. Withdraw yourself from unwanted emails, subscriptions, people (learn to say NO if needed), habits, clean your work table, paperwork, and all such things which distract you from achieving your targets. It frees up your mental space and help you to focus for a clear path to follow.

2) Update your Resume

Update your resume periodically on all job portals. Use metrics to quantify your career accomplishments, add new skills, work experiences, show the facts (in numbers like sale %, number of new clients signed, etc.). These small contributions mentioned on resume, help to distinguish you from the rest of the candidate pool of the industry. Select your preferred online platform (according to your industry type) and appear more professional in your profile.

4) Take a New Project

New projects are excellent profile builders. Take up something extra outside of your current work profile and responsibilities. It helps you to stretch yourself a little, explore abilities and sharpen your mental skills. Embracing new challenges and opportunities help you to build leadership qualities, managerial skills and you get a practice of owing and executing a project. Also in future you can reference these tasks to your boss to negotiate for a pay rise or promotion!

5) Get New Certification

Consider to get certified for specific skills or specialities related to your industry type while you are still at work. It surely allows you to add your expertise and gives a chance to set yourself apart from the rest of the candidates. It increases your value as an employee, validates your skills, competency and brings you into a broad network of like-minded professionals.

6) Take a Risk

Try to take risks once in a while to test your boundaries of your comfort zone. If you feel unsatisfied or not interested in your current work, don’t fret – it’s never too late to hit the reset button. Don’t worry much about what the society thinks! There are lot of examples of successful people who took risk in life and set their own milestones in history as a successful person. It’s better to do what you love to do than to regret later in life.

Final Words:

“It is your life, make it great.”

Prepare yourself to accept new opportunities, learn new things and get organized both in office and online.

These small incremental improvements can surely overcome many professional hurdles and help you to accomplish your career goals over a period of time. If you are curious about your career goals and think that there is something you are unable to resolve. Then don’t wait for too long because life waits for none. Checkout with professional counsellors so that, they can help you in achieving your career goals, quickly![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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