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How can an autistic person get a job?

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March 14, 2022

How can an autistic person get a job?

In this technology-driven world, we believe each person has the right to work and earn. But our belief isn’t accepted by everyone, especially those who have autism. Autistic people think they cannot work with full freedom in the corporate world.

But look at Stephen Hawking, Barbara Corcoran, JK Rowling, and Ingvar Kamprad, physically disabled millionaires. As a result, even if you have autism, you can achieve your goals.

You don’t have to put yourself at the backfoot just because of one disorder. Consider it’s just another obstacle stopping you from achieving your dreams.

If you need help, you can approach Elysian Inspires ( best career counselling in Chennai ) . We offer online career counselling services.

So, here’s our stage process approach for getting a job as an autistic person. We’ve also included some essential tips regarding writing resumes, cracking interviews, and much more.


As an autistic person, you can get a job

Autistic people find it very challenging to find their desired job. The biggest challenge for an autistic person is getting overlooked and misunderstood by the community just because of this disorder.

Believe it or not, there is always a perfect job for everyone in this world.

The only thing is you might face more challenges, but you’ll get numerous opportunities to gain skills, build new connections, and live with the purpose of your life.


Evaluate your strengths, skills, and interests

For each human being, it’s imperative to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, skills, and interests.

In simpler words, take some time and find out what you’re good at doing and what type of environment suits you. Ask these simple questions to yourself.

  •     What are my strengths?
  •     What skills am I blessed with? Are they enough to build my dream career?
  •     What do I prefer to do? What are my interests?
  •     What type of work environment suits you?
  •     What are my biggest weaknesses?

As per some official reports, autistic people are excellent visual thinkers. Some are also blessed, while many are good with numbers and stories. Some autistic people have reported that they prefer to work in a calm and quiet environment, so they don’t feel overstimulated.

In other words, whatever your capabilities, interests, and skills are, there is always a perfect job for you.


Some Job Ideas For People With Autism


  •     Job ideas for visual thinkers

Suppose you have a sharp memory and are good at visual thinking. In that case, you’ll love creative jobs like freelance writing, graphic designing, cartoonist, technical writing, computer programming, web development, automobile engineering, etc.

  •     Jobs ideas if you’re good with numbers

If you’re good with mathematics and statistics, you can look for jobs like engineering, laboratory technician, accounting, bookkeeping, statistician, etc.

  •     Repetitive job ideas

Autistic people who are happy with doing repetitive tasks are suitable for job positions such as warehouse work, security, packaging, etc.


Try Different Ways Of Finding Jobs


Luckily, there are numerous ways of finding jobs, have a look at the below pointers.

  •     Reaching out to the companies directly

You can directly reach the employers and please never use your disorder as a secret weapon. You can reach the companies and ask for the available job positions. Make sure you research the desired companies and tell how you can be a valuable addition to them.


  •     Seeking assistance from the people you know

Some job positions aren’t advertised in the newspapers and official job portals. Inform your friends, relatives, and loved ones that you are searching for a job. You can come across a variety of employment offers.


  •     Searching at the job portals

There are numerous job portals available online where your disorder isn’t a problem. Don’t just directly put the desired job position in the search bar. Instead, write keywords and skills to look for job opportunities you may have never heard of in the same field.


Creating a relevant CV

Your employers will judge you based on the CV submitted by you. Undoubtedly, your CV plays an essential role in the entire job-seeking procedure. As an outcome, you’ll need to create a persuasive CV. Your CV should include important information such as your past work experience, educational qualifications, skills, interests, and qualities.

In our opinion, sending the identical CV and cover letter to each employer is a poor decision. You must tailor your CV and cover letter to the job specifications.

Actually, your CV should sell you smartly and indicate why you’re a suitable candidate for the employers.


Prepare yourself for the job interviews

As you have autism, job interviews are really challenging for you.If you feel that deeds speak louder than words, it’s tough to impress your employers based on the conversations. Below, we’re mentioning some tips to prepare yourself for the job interviews.


Before the interview

  •    Researching about your company shows your employer that you’re really interested and serious about the job.
  •    You should also practice emphasizing your strengths and skills in front of employers. You should have the answer to what makes you a perfect candidate.
  •    Whatever skills and strengths you’re explaining, it shouldn’t be doubtful, and you should have real-life examples to support them.


During the interview

  •     You have to be super interactive during your interview. But the conversation between you and your employer should be relevant and meaningful. You should always check with the interviewer by asking questions such as ‘Are you comfortable with my answers or should I explain more?
  •     You should ask some questions about the job role you’re applying for.
  •     Your body language shouldn’t be disturbing for your employers. You should sit straight, your body posture should be firm, and try not to look confused and absent-minded.


After the interview

  •    Always be thankful to your employer. Even if you’re rejected, your body language should be     positive.
  •     You should always be thankful to yourself because that boosts your self-confidence.
  •     Lastly, ask for some genuine feedback from your employers. Whether you cracked the interview or not, ask for feedback because you get to learn about the areas of improvements.


Never shy to seek support in your office

Getting a job is actually the biggest challenge for autistic people. Autistic people often face difficulties adjusting to any work environment and often require additional support.

The best assistance autistic people can get is from employers. You can also take steps to become more comfortable in your workplace.

  •     Take clear instructions in writing from your seniors and adhere to them.
  •     Create timetables and daily to-do lists for promoting a structured work environment. Doing so will also make you look like a responsible employee in your employer’s eyes.
  •     Make connections with your colleagues and seek support and advice from them.
  •     Your work desk should be clutter-free and odorless.


Seek assistance whenever you require

When you seek assistance and advice from your connections, your job-hunting procedure becomes easier and hassle-free. Many online communities of autistic people are also available where you can join and build fruitful connections.

Just one disorder cannot stop you from socializing and being open-minded. So, please never be shy to ask for support and advice from your loved ones. And never forget to keep building connections in the corporate world.


This was all about autistic persons being able to gain access to the corporate world. We hope that answer would be really helpful for all the autistic people struggling in the job-hunting procedure.

Best of luck for your career!


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