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Because you are Unique!


Prof. (Dr.) Gardner, a famous scientist, concluded that every individual has distinguishable characteristics. These characteristics are as unique as a "Fingerprint" of each and every person. ElysianTM, by using its unique technology, captures this information from fingerprint of an individual. A dedicated team of expert, do analytics of collected information and help achieve multiple objectives like career guidance, identifying personality traits, or even discovering hidden talents of an individual.

Are you willing to discover your Uniqueness?

It's a wonderful realization to understand that everyone around us is born intelligent, and so are you! Your innate abilities could be guiding force in determining your future path that you will be charting. We believe in the policy of "Nurturing as per the Nature of the Child".

In today's world, globalization has played a massive role towards development of the society, and it creates diversified job opportunities than the traditional ones. Twenty first century demands people to be more magnifier. Being a qualifier will only help you reach your place, but being a magnifier will assure you to retain and grow in that space. The knowledge of one's possibilities and potential is of great value in today's high competitive environment

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Dear Parents!

The moment a child is born, each and every parent builds a certain expectation regarding their child's future. We hear it many times, "My child will become an Engineer, a Doctor, a Soldier or even a Pilot!" Every parent is filled with joy and feels proud when they think about their child's future.

When the child grows, they see the world in their own unique way and interpret the information with the limited knowledge they have. During this time, they face many challenges and feels lost in the variety of options available.

This leads to a confused state for both, child and parent, and they find themselves helpless in understanding each other. This creates a daily life imbalance which grows with time, if not handled properly. We invite parents, at ElysianTM, to understand their child's true personality and talent. We also help parents to lay a strong foundation for their child's growth, both psychologically and academically, and create a smooth growth plan efficiently.

Elysian Inspires


We are best in helping you about your anxiety and problem solving skills we are specialists in couseling and training.

Success Stories


What are our clients are saying about us?

  • The first step of decision making is taken in our life when we have to choose our vertical of studies or career path. Knowing your strength is not always based on self assessment, timely guidance is required to know what you have not known about yourself - “Elysian Inspires” will assess and guide you to find the best in you. Prabha herself is a success story and one of the most amazing inspiration to all. Highly Recommend to meet to explore yourself!!

    Gayathri G Avatar Gayathri G
    October 6, 2019
  • Had a very good experience with the session. Always, I had a confused state of mind also very low self esteem in my entire life. Test results came out totally surprisingly. Praba mam gave me guidance and hope to my future . Definitely a must try , if u are confused about ur courier path. It's never later for a change in your life.

    Dhanusha g Avatar Dhanusha g
    April 3, 2020
  • The counselling was very useful to know about myself...It was really helpful to know about my career. I will recommend others to go to the counselling and take good steps in life.Good luck all...!!!

    JananiR R Avatar JananiR R
    December 29, 2019
  • She is exemptionally good at her field. Her knowledge is wide. She is able to counsel people from different phases of life. If you are searching for a career and psychological counselor I would recommend her...

    s Padmini Avatar s Padmini
    July 24, 2019
  • I think I have reached the correct place, that I should have reached somewhat before. By coming here I came to know about my strengths and weakness and the area where should I concentrate. Before coming here I was in really confused state about my career and now I have clear cut goal to work with. I will suggest everyone one who is struggling to find their career. It's really mandatory for every student who step up into career to undergo career counselling. I will surely suggest my friends and colleagues to attend this counselling and trust me guys u will definitely get ur career path. I am very sure about that. Thank you so much mam!!

    Syed Ibrahim Avatar Syed Ibrahim
    January 13, 2020
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