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How to study smartly and score more marks?

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February 7, 2019

How to study smartly and score more marks?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Studying smartly and not harder, is the need of the time! If you are pushing yourself harder and still not getting the result the way you desired then think about the strategy you are following. Because along with studies you have to devote time to complete assignments, projects, extra-curricular activities and other commitments to do. Also, you would like to engage in social life, which you surely don’t want to miss at any cost.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could study smarter rather than harder to get good marks and lead a balanced life?

Of course, it is possible. Our education is basically designed not to just score grades but to learn essential life skills too.

How to study smartly?

Students certainly know what to study. But how to study any subject even if you don’t like and score good marks in it
is a million dollar question!

Learning smartly and effectively are the two keywords. In this article, we’ll cover a few foolproof smart study tricks that will definitely help you to perform well in the current academic year.

1. Stick to your Study schedule

Plan your day-schedule and allot undisturbed time to studies. Stick to your plan in all conditions and follow it religiously. Over a period of time, you will not push yourself to study but automatically get in that mood. Even the most difficult subject will become easier to understand. This trick does wonders in exam times as you feel less stressful and have a full grip on all subjects.

2. Learn the subject in different ways

Learning the same information in a variety of ways stimulates different parts of the brain. The more areas of the brain are activated, the more you are able to understand and retain the information in a better way. You can follow up class notes, textbooks, online resources, practice problems or teach the same topic/subject to someone else. So, next time when you take up the subject, use a different method to learn.

3. Study multiple subjects each day

Studying multiple subjects each day is more effective than sticking to one or two subjects at a time. Studying smaller portions of a variety of subjects each day helps to remove confusion.

4. Sit at the front of the class

Studies show that students who sit at the front seat tend to score better than the backbenchers. The reason behind this is that by sitting at the front you are able to see the class board and hear the teacher more clearly, assisting in improving your concentration. So, choose your seat intelligently!

5. To stay Focused don’t multitask

Research shows that multitasking makes you more distracted, slower and less productive. Focus on one thing at a time. Don’t try to reply text messages, watch TV, scroll WhatsApp / facebook notifications or twitter feed. Turn off all distractions and concentrate on the subject at hand. This is a very important trick on how to study fast and well.

6. Review, Simplify, Summarize

Review back your learnt topic, simplify it and summarize the whole in a gist. Use of mnemonics proves to be an effective tool to increase efficiency.

7. Test yourself

Self-Testing is crucial in improving your academic performances. Passive reading without testing the learnt topic can be a wasteful activity as with time one tends to forget things. Quizzing and practising questions based on the key concepts and equations helps in better understanding of the subject.

8. Take regular breaks

Taking regular breaks enhances your overall productivity and concentration. A 5-10 min break after 40 mins of study relaxes the mind and keeps you fresh for longer period of time while studying.

9. Reward yourself

Reward yourself at the end of your study session, with some simple things like – eating a healthy snack, listening to favourite music, a quick nap, etc. This motivates you to study better and learn more in a faster way.

10. Maintain your health, exercise, sleep in time

Exercising improves blood circulation, brain functioning, reduces stress and refreshes your mood. Taking proper sleep of around 7-8 hours in the night keeps you fit and healthy. Those who take enough sleep stay focussed, learn faster and score better. Eat a healthy diet and avoid junk food.

We have discussed here a lot of tricks on how to study smartly without stressing on too much hard work. You can implement these tricks one by one on your daily schedule for one week or one month and check the improvement in yourself.

It’s all about the pursuit of excellence, cultivating your strengths, habits and growing smartly.

So guys, take up the challenge, work hard, you will definitely master the art of studying smartly!

Best wishes.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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